Leeward Look is partnering with the Coral Restoration Foundation to help restore our reefs. 50% of sales of the below products go directly to CRF and their cause!
Coral Restoration Foundation™ (CRF) is the world's largest non-profit marine-conservation organization dedicated to restoring coral reefs to a healthy state, in Florida and globally. Their core mission is to restore coral reefs, to educate others on the importance of our oceans, and to use science to further coral research and coral reef monitoring techniques. They work to support the reefs’ natural recovery processes through the large-scale cultivation, outplanting, and monitoring of genetically diverse, reef-building corals.They engage and empower others in the mission to save our planet’s coral reef with dive programs, educational activities, scientific collaborations, and outreach. For more on CRF check out their site - Click Here
Leeward Look is partnering with the Coral Restoration Foundation to help restore our reefs. 50% of...
Leeward Look is partnering with the Coral Restoration Foundation to help restore our reefs. 50% of...
Leeward Look is partnering with the Coral Restoration Foundation to help restore our reefs. 50% of...